It's over... 
How many times have i told this to myself? countless, maybe,,,...
 but now I'm sure,,,.. as much as I've been sure previous times---It's over... Then why do i feel so calm and peaceful? Maybe because I'm in the eye of the storm and it's quiet, it's peaceful...
I like this. No fights over trivial things, no choking from nervousness and breaking fingers on the keyboard trying to prove sth desperately to someone who, it turns out to be, doesn't believe you and has never trusted...!! 
Mere self-deception.. and no meaningless talks lasting for centuries on the phone..
...yes i don't want you to explain me, to "open my eyes"..why do you think your eyes are wide open and you can teach me what's right??? 
why did you offer this fake "let's stay friends" bullshit thing? don't you see it's over? u won't return anything..
i don't wanna live in your golden cage...
You love me...
I love you..
It's over...
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